Our goals
The Global Network for Popular Transportation works to ensure that:
Cities, countries, international development agencies, and banks recognize popular transportation as valid, essential, and important services.
All popular transportation modes are integrated into urban, transport, social, economic, and climate policy and planning efforts.
The key sectors in popular transportation are recognized and participate as equal partners in co-creating accessible, equitable, and sustainable cities. These include workers, entrepreneurs, micro-, small-, and medium enterprises, and small-scale investors.
The world takes an asset-based framework to understanding popular transportation, moving away from simplistic and ineffective approaches focused solely on transportation efficiency, to an approach that prioritizes valuing the environment, advancing equity, and empowering people and communities.
Our work
To that end,
we strive
To transform the global narrative about popular transportation:
from seeing popular transportation as local problems
to seeing these systems as valid, emergent, global phenomenafrom framing popular transportation as problems to be solved
to assets to be valued and invested infrom treating the people in popular transportation as incidental participants
to engaging them as essential partners for co-creation and transformationWe highlight successful efforts at improving working conditions, formulating better policies and improving regulations, and integrating and empowering popular transport.
We advocate for approaches to data and technology that seek to improve the environmental and economic sustainability, business operations, service quality, and working conditions of popular transportation